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Easy Ways to Support the Conference

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

A Good Discourse is 100% volunteer-staffed and funded, and there is no charge for participation. If you'd like to support the event, here are ways you can show your appreciation to our speakers, who are working overtime and forgoing their regular speaking fees in order to be with you.

Fr. John LoCoco - Follow and send spiritual bouquets on Twitter, @FatherLoCoco or Instagram: @father_lococo

Venmo if needed: @rev_lococo

(Additional contact information available to conference participants, e-mail Jen.)

Dr. Eric DeMeuse - Support for the DeMeuse family's financial needs can be sent via Venmo 920.309.2419. To support Eric's ministry, donate to the Chesterton Academy of Milwaukee.

David Mills - Follow and send spiritual bouquets on Twitter, @DavidMillsWrtng

Purchase or review his books:

Leticia Ochoa Adams

Leticia writes, ". . . ask for prayers for Anthony please. Specifically that this year I can focus on The Red Door Foundation to help other families who suffer a loss by suicide."

Grace Mazza Urbanski

Melanie Bettinelli - Please support the Bettinelli family's ministry via Paypal to:

To show some moral support:

Br. Joe Hoover, SJ - Please support Br. Joe's ministry via donations to Crown Heights Mutual Aid, a network of neighbors in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn helping each other out with groceries and other basic needs since the earliest days of the pandemic.

Purchase or review his book: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?

Sherry Antonetti

Merridith Frediani - Info coming soon, please keep the Frediani family and the evangelization ministry of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in prayer.

Caroline Harvey - Info coming soon, please keep the Harvey family and the evangelization ministry of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in prayer.

(Merridith and Caroline are not speaking at the conference, but they have been behind the scenes donating hours of time making this conference a reality, including getting up every Saturday morning this winter at 7:30 AM to work on the event. Yes, they are doing this on top of their regular full-time work of evangelization for the Archdiocese.)

Jennifer Fitz

Buy or review her books:

Subscribe to her blogs:

What to do if you can't donate financially?

1. Pray. This is the number one most important thing.

2. To support someone financially without spending a dime:

  • For authors: Leave a review on Amazon, GoodReads, and the publisher's website if you've already read the book. This is incredibly helpful.

  • For bloggers / podcasters / social media ministries: Subscribe to their feed and share links to their work with others.

  • For other ministries: Spread the word to those who can benefit from or support the good work.

3. Lead or participate in your own follow-up initiative, public or private, carrying on the work of A Good Discourse.

Thank you so much for your support!

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